Finally painting and sketching again! 3/8/2020

I’m not even sure what happened, but since the new year (and my heart incident!) I haven’t done much art. I’ve missed it, to be sure, but I have stayed busy with other things. But I’m trying to make it a habit again… plus… I have projects I’ve promised people that I need to get on with!

I used my “new” porcelain palette, FINALLY. New?? I got it this fall. A REALLY excellent price (I can’t remember where… I think Cheap Joe’s?? Like… under $20!! It’s big, with large wells, and a clear plastic cover to keep newfie hair out. -It tries, anyway) For some reason it just put me off. I think because it’s so large! (??) I had fun choosing colors, then never used it! Just stared at it on my drafting table as I did lots of other things. And watched old seasons of Survivor.

But this week I painted a birthday card for my sister, and made her a little heart origami bookmark, too (in JMU colors!)

I also had a “spring” swap due out (on … if you enjoy crafting, arting, and pen pal-ing, check it out!) so I decorated this envelope:

(blocked out the addresses but you get the idea)

And finally, I started a project for a book illustration for my niece:


I did NOT use only my large porcelain palette for this… I also used my new Roman Szmal watercolors! but…that’s the next post!


Early Christmas Gifts… sketched!

I have four sisters, and one lives in another country. She has been visiting this month, so we decided to exchange our sister gifts (which we do with my mother as well, so six of us total) now while she is visiting, instead of waiting until Christmas. I sketched things on the front and back covers of a notebook for them, trying to find something that would interest them.

I did them so one side can be written in, and flip the book over, write in the other side… two notebooks in one! But… really it was because I did the first one upside down accidentally. It all worked out in the end.

For my mother, who loves birds (and these wrens really do sit like this!!):

For the sisters, by age (I’m youngest) She likes Emily Dickinson, so I just did quotes:

One loves roses:

One has starfish in her decor, and has an ice cream business:

One is a JMU fanatic, having graduated from there, will be moving to the mountains, and likes bluebirds:


I know it has seemed like I haven’t done much since “Inktober”, and I certainly haven’t posted often… but I wanted to show you that I had done SOMETHING artistic recently!

Inktober Challenge Completed! (In November. Does that count?)

Inktober’s challenge completed in mid- November?? Well, I’m counting it. I didn’t complete the challenge as it was set forward, but I also don’t still have it hanging over my head, either unfinished, or worse:  totally unattempted!

Day 26 Dark:


My dogs are extremely dark. Blacker than this sketch portrays them, for sure.

Day 28 Ride:


Wouldn’t it be fun if we could still have a nice safe plastic Big Wheel as our ride??

Day 29 Injured:


Day 30 Catch:


Day 31 Ripe:


Ta-daa! Done. Somehow I do feel BETTER.